Trial shipment

Your sample shipment

No trial shipments are currently offered.

Your sample shipment

Du bist dir nicht sicher welches Mundstück am besten zu dir und deinem Musikstil passt, oder welches Modulteil deinen Vorstellungen entspricht? Jetzt kannst du dir Mundstücke oder Modulteile zur Probe zusenden lassen. Für dich fallen lediglich 39,90€ für den Reinigungs- und Prozessaufwand an.

We have aroused your interest? Just fill in the questions below and pay with PayPal, we will send your products directly to your home.

The products are samples and must be returned to Breslmair KG no later than 14 days after receipt of the goods. If the products are not returned or are returned too late, the entire value of the products will be due.

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